About Me
I have learned much through trial and error. Below I have listed what I should and shouldn’t do in life. After finding out a great amount about health and behaviour I feel educated enough to inform others of what will do you good.
My Mental Health List
- When people treat you badly, don't retaliate badly
- Don't keep resentment in your heart over bad experiences
- Help others whenever you are able
- Look after your health (see My Physical Health)
- Treat failures as just a learning curve to do better or differently next time
- Appreciate and enjoy the good things you have instead of getting bitter over what you don't have
My Physical Health List
- Eat natural sugar and honey instead of processed white sugar / foods
- Eat wholemeal products instead of processed white products
- Eat dark green foods (spinach, brussel sprouts, broccoli etc)
- Go to bed before midnight if possible (try to get 8 hours)
- Get your heart rate up with exercise or work at least 10 minutes each day
- Get rid of anger, resentment, fear
The Process OF LIFE
My Advice Lists
These are the most important things I have learned in life
Treat other people with respect and value
Look after your health
Don't let fear stop you going for your goals
Numerical Facts Of Life:
People sharing your birthday
Months in an average Lifetime
Left handed people
The most loved number